A very interesting object that is can be a very good subject of amusement and read, the comic, is found in almost every bedroom.
Some people even like to collect these interesting reads and for a very good reason. They are a wonderful piece of fiction and creative imaginations, some even based on real stories, surprisingly close to reality.
Here is how to prepare them for a trip on the road:
First you need to take them all out of wherever they were kept till now. Put them on the floor, best kept in one big pile.
Take a big brush with soft hairs and brush of the dust from the comic cover. Otherwise just use a dry towel.
You will need rope and simple paper. Place a piece of paper, then stack up no more than 5 – 10 comics, before placing another piece of paper and so on. Use the rope, as if you were preparing your mail.
Perhaps there will be no need of a removal firm London. Such things do not get that big of a stack, even if the person owning them is a private collector. You can use other means of transportation, perhaps a sack or even just by hand.
If there is a need, use more paper to cover the edges of the papers, that the comic is made from. Moving them around just like that can ruin those edges easily.
It is very easy to transport things, when they are not furniture or something bigger. There is no need to place them in a moving van and they don’t even weigh that much to be carried by hand. All the better.